Sebastian Stone Art

Exploring the Underlying Truth

I am Sebastian Stone, an artist who finds inspiration in the hidden and enigmatic aspects of life. Through my artwork, I explore the delicate balance between light and darkness, using stark crimson silhouettes and black backgrounds to convey the fragility of life and the impact of a predatory beast that is pollution and environmental destruction on our planet.

My signature ‘Broken’ series is a manifestation of this exploration, featuring a range of NFT art pieces that capture the vulnerability of living beings and the impact of this raging beast on our planet. Each artwork inspired by the complexities of existence and the profound emotions that lie within us all. The marks on each silhouette symbolize the brokenness that we all carry within us, the brokeness that fuels the predatory beast that preys upon our planet, made stronger every day by our daily existence.

Exploring the Underlying Truth.

At Sebastian Stone Art, I am committed to using my artistic creations to spark change on a spiritual level. I believe that art has the power to heal and to inspire, and my artwork serves as a conduit for these energies by reckognising and owning our brokeness we can then adjust and create the positive light that envelopes the dark. By purchasing one of my NFT art pieces, you are not just acquiring a beautiful and unique artwork, but also contributing to the preservation of our planet and the growth of our collective consciousness.

Join me on this journey of artistic exploration and spiritual growth, and let’s make a difference together. Explore my range of NFT art pieces today, and discover the beauty hidden in the darkness. Thank you for visiting Sebastian Stone Art.



The Broken Emoji

In this age of digital consumption, screens can devour our lives, projecting images of unattainable perfection and numbing us to the beauty of the world around us. As an artist who seeks to connect with the spiritual energies that flow through us all, I urge you to step away from the screens and experience the world in all its raw and unfiltered glory.

Take the time to engage with the people and places around you, to give back to your community, and to savor the moments that make life truly meaningful. Let’s break free from the artificial narratives that we see online and in media, and rediscover the beauty of reality. Instead of living a life that is fake, let’s embrace the power of authenticity and human connection.

As we reconnect with the world, we can find inspiration in the fragility of life and the profound impact of our actions on the planet. Let’s harness this energy to spark change on a spiritual level, and to contribute to the healing and growth of our world. So, let’s put down our screens and engage with the world around us. Together, we can create a brighter, more vibrant future.

The Broken Seal

The pollution caused by the so-called ‘all mighty human race’ is taking a deadly toll on every living creature, known and unknown. We are the plague that threatens the very existence of our planet. As an artist who seeks to connect with the spiritual energies that flow through us all, I urge you to consider the impact of your actions, and to become a force for positive change.

Let’s take responsibility for the impact we have on the world around us, and strive to be the vaccine that our planet so desperately needs. Through our choices and actions, we can make a difference in the lives of every living creature, and contribute to the healing and growth of our world.

As we awaken to the interconnectedness of all things, we can find inspiration in the beauty of the natural world, and in the fragility of life itself. Let’s use this inspiration to fuel our creative endeavors, and to create art that speaks to the power of connection and the urgency of change.

So, let’s embrace our responsibility to the planet and to all its inhabitants. Let’s use our creativity to awaken others to the urgency of this moment, and to inspire action on a global scale. Together, we can create a future in which every living creature thrives.

The Broken Hare

In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of daily life. However, going flat out all the time is a recipe for burnout and exhaustion. As an artist who seeks to connect with the spiritual energies that flow through us all, I urge you to take a step back and consider the value of slowing down.

While it’s important to make plans and strive for our goals, we must also accept that life has a way of throwing us unexpected curveballs. Rather than trying to control everything around us, let’s take a breath and allow ourselves to be present in the moment. Let’s embrace the unpredictability of life, and find joy in the little moments that make up our day-to-day existence.

As we slow down and take stock of our situations, we can find inspiration in the beauty of the world around us, and in the interconnectedness of all things. Let’s use this inspiration to fuel our creative endeavors, and to create art that speaks to the power of stillness and contemplation.

So, let’s embrace the value of slowing down, and find balance in our daily lives. Let’s use our creativity to inspire others to do the same, and to create a world in which we can all thrive.

The Broken Heart

Loss can have a profound impact on our lives, whether we have experienced the pain of losing someone we love, or simply feel lost in our own lives. The weight of this experience can push us deeper and deeper into darkness. As an artist who seeks to connect with the spiritual energies that flow through us all, I urge you to embrace the power of gratitude and remember the good times.

Rather than fighting against the natural flow of life, let’s take a step back and allow ourselves to be present in the moment. Let’s find solace in the beauty of the world around us, and in the interconnectedness of all things. By embracing the power of gratitude, we can navigate the challenges of life with renewed hope and resilience.

As we explore the depths of our emotions and experiences, we can find inspiration in the power of creative expression. Through our art, we can speak to the complexities of life, and use our creativity to spark change on a spiritual level.

So, let’s embrace the power of gratitude, and use our creativity to inspire others to do the same. Let’s create a world in which we can all thrive, even in the face of loss and adversity.


The Broken Person

Each of us has experienced brokenness in our lives, whether we are able to hide it well or not. As an artist who seeks to connect with the spiritual energies that flow through us all, I urge you to embrace your own brokenness, and to be sure to include others in your life who may be facing even greater challenges.

Rather than hiding behind a facade of strength and perfection, let’s embrace our own vulnerabilities, and use them as a source of inspiration for creative expression. By acknowledging our own struggles, we can become more compassionate and understanding of the struggles of others, and create a more connected and supportive world.

As we navigate the complexities of our own emotions and experiences, we can find inspiration in the power of creative expression. Through our art, we can speak to the struggles and triumphs of the human experience, and use our creativity to spark change on a spiritual level.

So, let’s embrace our own brokenness, and use it as a source of inspiration and connection. Let’s be sure to include others in our lives who may be facing even greater challenges, and use our creativity to create a more supportive and compassionate world.


The Broken Unicorn

As humans, we all harbor dreams and ambitions, yet we inevitably encounter those who strive to shatter our spirits. As an artist deeply connected to the spiritual essence that pervades our existence, I encourage you to remain steadfast against negativity, and actively seek out affirmative energies and camaraderie.

Although we may not fully neutralize others’ adverse actions, we possess the power to elevate ourselves and concentrate on our individual growth and progression. By honoring our aspirations and remaining committed to our goals, we can surmount the barriers obstructing our path and draw inspiration from the potency of artistic expression.

When we acknowledge our innate talents and potential, we discover solace in nature’s splendor and the intricate web that connects all living beings. Let this revelation ignite our creative spirits, generating art that exemplifies the essence of perseverance and optimism.

So, let us decide to rise above, immersing ourselves in positivity and encouragement. Let us remain faithful to our dreams and aspirations, channeling our creative energies to motivate others to follow suit. Collectively, we can cultivate a world where every individual is emboldened to achieve their greatest potential.


The Broken Lion

Even those of us who seem the mightiest can face moments of fracture and doubt. But it is the essence of fortitude, valor, and righteousness that rekindles our vigor and helps us overcome adversity. As an artist who seeks to connect with the spiritual energies that flow through us all, I urge you to embrace these sacred qualities that lie within each of us.

Perhaps these qualities have been slumbering within the depths of your soul, waiting to be awakened. To unleash them, simply raise your gaze toward the heavens and unleash a resounding roar, igniting the dormant embers of your inner strength. As you tap into this inner reservoir of power and resilience, you will find inspiration in the natural world, and in the interconnectedness of all things.

Through creative expression, we can channel these sacred qualities and use them to inspire others to do the same. Let’s use our art to speak to the power of fortitude, valor, and righteousness, and to create a more connected and compassionate world.

So, let’s awaken the sacred qualities that lie within us all, and use them to fuel our creative endeavors. Let’s use our art to inspire others to unleash their own inner strength, and to create a world in which every person is empowered to reach their fullest potential.